sister! ({})

Dear Little Sister,
Thanks for being here every time I need someone to be here. Beside me. Cheering me. Take care of me. And wiped away my tears.

Thanks for your patience, your caring, your advice(s), your word(s), and everything.

I always remember what you've said to me :
"Kaak that's why you've to learn to say no" -- and yeah, I'm starting to learn it.
"No ones will throws you away, Kak" -- :')
"Kaak, for a moment just forget the whole thing and make time for yourself. You need to relax" -- stlh dia blg gini, gue lsg feel comfort.
"Kaak, I'll always be here for you, to hug you, to give you advise, or simply..just to listen to you" -- and I realize that I'm not alone..
"Tenaaang ada aku:) Don't be sad my sist, just rest your mind out of all probs and think about something else" -- gue langsung mengistirahatkan pikiran gue dan mencoba buat mikir yg lain..
"Dance just like you used to!" -- hahaha she know me well.
"Kalo kuliah you can't fool around anymore" -- langsung sedih seketika...
"Don't let a single problem keeps you away from what you should do, from what may be done today." -- selalu setiap gue ngedown, tu bocah jutek satu pasti ngmg gini haha and it works!

Daaaan masih banyak bgt kata2nya dia yg gue inget, yg bisa ngerubah jalan pikiran gue seketika.

Sometimes she comfort me more than my friend(s) do. Sometimes she understand of my condition more than anyone else. Sometimes she makes me smile with a little things, with her innocence.

Dan disaat keadaan gue lagi terpuruk banget, family-life dan partner-life gue pada khususnya. Dia ada. Dia ga ngerusak, dia dengerin gue, ga balik curhat, ngga juga ikut2an ngejudge gue. That's why I feel comfortable.

Thanks for being here,
Loveya Sist' :) ({})

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